Open-access Publishing House

Special Issues Proposal

Guidelines and Submission

The iConclusions publishing house invites scholars and researchers to submit proposals for special issues across its journals. Special issues provide an excellent opportunity to curate a collection of articles focused on a specific theme, emerging area of research, or a significant scientific challenge within a discipline. These issues aim to bring together leading experts and innovative research to highlight advancements in the field.

Proposal Guidelines:

  1. Title and Scope:
    Propose a clear and concise title for the special issue. Provide a brief description (approximately 300 words) outlining the scope, relevance, and significance of the topic. Highlight how the proposed issue will contribute to the field and its potential impact on the research community.
  2. Guest Editors:
    List the names, affiliations, and brief biographies (150-200 words) of the proposed guest editors. Include information about their expertise in the topic area and previous editorial experience if applicable.
  3. Call for Papers:
    Draft a preliminary call for papers, detailing the types of articles sought (e.g., research articles, reviews, case studies) and the specific topics or themes to be covered. Indicate submission deadlines, expected publication dates, and any other relevant timelines.
  4. Potential Contributors:
    Provide a list of potential contributors or research groups who are likely to submit to the special issue. This can include a mix of invited authors and those identified through an open call for papers.
  5. Review Process:
    Outline the proposed review process, including the selection criteria for articles, the review timeline, and any additional quality control measures. Ensure the process aligns with the journal’s peer-review standards.
  6. Estimated Timeline:
    Provide an estimated timeline for the entire special issue process, from the call for papers to the final publication. This should include submission deadlines, review periods, and final decision dates.
  7. Marketing and Promotion:
    Suggest strategies for promoting the special issue to a wider audience. This could include targeted outreach to academic networks, social media campaigns, and collaborations with conferences or workshops.

Submission Process:

Proposals for special issues should be submitted to the editorial office of the relevant journal within the iConclusions publishing house. The editorial team will review the proposal and provide feedback or approval. Once approved, the guest editors will work closely with the journal’s editorial team to oversee the submission, review, and publication processes.

For further information or to submit a proposal, please contact the editorial office at